What is an internship?
Internships are short-term work experiences that allow you to observe and participate in professional work environments and explore how your interests relate to possible careers. More specifically, doing internships is beneficial because you will get an opportunity to: Get an inside view of an organization Gain valuable Technical skills and knowledge Make professional connections and grow your network Get experience in a field to allow you to make a career decision Helpful for your Placements Increasingly, Companies are looking for students who have gained experience through internships. Internships should be substantive learning experiences that provide you with a better understanding of an industry, a position and of yourself. They should also provide you with a chance to improve your skill set and learn from those you are working with.
Main aim of this Workshop is to make the people skill full and efficient for all the hardware and software related concepts for Embedded Systems.
The duration of this Intership will be 3 Months, Monday - Saturday 09:00 AM - 5:00PM
Final Year Students of Professional Degree who want to Learn and do projects on Embedded Systems and 3D Printing Technology.
What should I expect from an internship?:
Expect to gain a greater understanding of the organization and IT industry through direct participation. Successful interns demonstrate that they're team players and willing to contribute to an organization in any and all capacities. Interns are encouraged to remember that it's their responsibility to get the most out of the internship experience. Come and Discuss with us for experiencing the maximum of Internship.
Live Project Experience
Company Exposure
3D Printer Assembling
Live Experience in Printing 3D Models